Why is Jesus so unique and special :- Sandeep Poonen
Why is Jesus so unique and special to you? How can you possibly say that He is the only way? This is one of the most frequently-asked questions that non-Christians…
Holy Spirit : He Is Focused On The Ultimate Wedding :- Sandeep Poonen
This month, I want to wrap up my answer to this question on the Holy Spirit. To be honest, as I look over my numerous thoughts that I have written,…
Holy Spirit comes to Live with in us :- Sandeep Poonen
I want to share my thoughts on one huge area of confusion that surrounds the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I want to talk about the phrases “baptism with the…
Holy Spirit Wants Unity :- Sandeep Poonen
I want to start by talking about a verse in the Bible that even many serious Christians probably don’t have a clear understanding about: John 14:12 – “Truly, truly, I…
Holy Spirit: Make Jesus More Precious to Me :- Sandeep Poonen
I want to talk about the BIGGEST testament of the Holy Spirit’s role in my life. But I want to make it clear that I do not mean to unduly…
First Step For Young People By Zac Poonen
First Step For Young People By Zac Poonen|Watch
Practically Living With the Holy Spirit – Sandeep Poonen
Practically Living With the Holy Spirit|Watch
Holy Spirit: A Helper who groans :- Sandeep Poonen
The Holy Spirit being a Helper, this was what Jesus first used to introduce the Person of the Holy Spirit in John 14:16. the Holy Spirit who helps wash us…
Young Men Who Stood for God – Br Zac Poonen
Young Men Who Stood for God|Watch
Being Ready for Eternity :- Br. Santosh Mathew
This is the video message which Br Santosh Mathew delivered at Karunya University on 28th July 2012, at their morning assembly, on the sidelines of 1987-1991 batch reunion. Being Ready…