Sandeep Poonen
A foundational blessing of the New Covenant is that God is our loving Father (John 20:17). We may not always understand how our Father deals with us, just like a child does not always understand the deep love of its parents. But when we approach God in Christ (there is no other way to come near to God), then the Bible teaches me that God always is our altogether loving Father. We must ruthlessly hold fast to the FACT that our Father ALWAYS acts out of love. And His love for us is infinitely more than a mother’s love for her newborn baby.
God is love (1 John 4:8), so everything God does is from a heart FULL of love. We doubt this because we don’t understand God’s love. We have logical and human ideas of how a God of love must act, and then we are disappointed when circumstances don’t go our way. And we cannot fathom how a loving God (based on our human views of love) could possibly allow the various hard circumstances and trial into our lives. But the problem is not with God and His love. It is that we do not understand the love of God.
So I wanted to share three key ways in which we must see the Father’s love towards us.
Luke 15:20 – So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
This is who God our Father is always FIRST towards us. Whenever we return home to the Father, He runs out to meet and hug us. And whenever a child of God seeks relationship with the Father, it is a scene of great joy and happiness (Luke 15:7,22-23), where He is eager to celebrate that we are with Him.
This is not typically the first view we have of God our Father. So we must work hard to keep this as our first view of God, because we can very easily give in to Old Covenant views of God. We must fight to remind ourselves that the Father ALWAYS jumps off of His eternal throne to embrace us and welcome us into His home – every single time we come to be with Him and talk to Him (what we call prayer). So even if it is the hundredth time in the day (or seventy times seven), God is always leaping off His Throne, and running down the road to welcome us home. The joy of having us back home with Him never gets old for our eternally loving Father!
This lavishly loving view of God as our Father will radically change us.
I never need approach God in fear. Jesus Christ has sacrificed all of Himself for me, so that I can now always approach God as my loving Heavenly Father.
Knowing God as my Father frees me from anxiety and worry (Matthew 6:25-33). The life of the Christian is meant to be a life of rest (Hebrews 4:9-11)